Latest Reports

Market Scope uses a multi-source methodology when preparing our annual and quarterly reports. We incorporate surgeon surveys, our extensive database of physicians and surgery centers, disease models, clinical studies, financial reports, and more. Our wide-ranging knowledge of products and technology and our comprehensive network of industry contacts also contribute to our coverage on the ophthalmic industry.

Ophthalmic Market Trends: US Cataract Edition

Q2 - 2024

Our coverage of the cataract surgery market includes a quarterly surveying process that targets and collects data from US cataract surgeons. The resulting data are analyzed and presented in our Ophthalmic Market Trends: Quarterly US Cataract Editions. These editions are designed to improve your decision-making process with the most accurate assessment of current market conditions and the identification of significant market trends. 

Ophthalmic Market Trends: US Refractive Edition

Q2 - 2024

Our coverage of the refractive surgery market includes a quarterly surveying process that targets and collects data from US refractive surgeons. The resulting data are analyzed and presented in our Ophthalmic Market Trends: Quarterly US Refractive Editions. These editions are designed to improve your decision-making process with the most accurate assessment of current market conditions and the identification of significant market trends. 

Ophthalmic Market Trends: US Glaucoma Edition

Q2 - 2024

Our coverage of the US glaucoma surgery market includes a quarterly surveying process that targets and collects data from glaucoma surgeons. The resulting data are analyzed and presented in our Ophthalmic Market Trends: Quarterly US Glaucoma Editions. These editions are designed to improve your decision-making process with an assessment of current market conditions and the identification of significant market trends -- including a variety of vital practice of medicine issues, doctors’ evaluations of pharmaceuticals and surgical equipment, product use and market share, product adoption plans, and the identification of significant trends in the marketplace for the treatment of glaucoma. 

Each update includes full-year forecasts, comparisons with prior years, and trend analysis.

Ophthalmic Market Trends: US Retina Edition

Q2 - 2024

Our coverage of the US retina market includes a quarterly surveying process that targets and collects data from retina specialists. The resulting data are analyzed and presented in our Ophthalmic Market Trends: Quarterly US Retina Editions. These editions are designed to improve your decision-making process with an assessment of current market conditions and the identification of significant market trends -- including retinal patient care, product use and market share, product adoption plans, and doctors’ evaluations of pharmaceuticals and surgical equipment.

Each update includes full-year forecasts, comparisons with prior years, and trend analysis.

2024 Glaucoma Pharmaceuticals Market Report: Global Analysis for 2023 to 2029, May, 2024

The “2024 Glaucoma Pharmaceuticals Market Report” analyzes the global and regional markets for glaucoma pharmaceuticals, identifying important trends and key factors for future success. The report provides forecasts through 2029 for branded prostaglandins, generic prostaglandins, beta blockers, carbonic anhydrase inhibitors, alpha agonists, fixed combo drugs, NO-donating compounds, and Rho-kinase inhibitors. The report also extensively discusses pipeline products, covering over 30 drug candidates that are currently under development. Additionally, 26 glaucoma pharmaceutical companies are profiled, with discussion of their products, strategic market position, background, and outlook.

2024 Annual US Cataract Surgeon Survey Report, May, 2024

Market Scope surveys United States cataract surgeons with an expanded list of questions during the first quarter of each year. Questions probe important issues regarding practice characteristics, product preferences, surgical techniques, and practice marketing and captures market share by manufacturer, product and market segment, and perceptions of companies.

The 2024 survey was conducted during March and April 2024 and received 110 responses from doctors performing cataract procedures, representing over 1 thousand total doctors in single doctor and group practices.  

This survey highlights practice patterns regarding presbyopia-correcting IOLs (PC-IOLs), toric IOLs, extended depth of focus (EDOF) IOLs, correction of astigmatism, femtosecond laser-assisted cataract surgery (FLACS), surgical location, interest in upcoming technology, equipment use, treatment and management of glaucoma and micro-invasive glaucoma surgery (MIGS) devices, and much more. It measures market share by manufacturer, product, and market segment.

Leading ophthalmic firms and organizations sponsor the survey to better understand industry dynamics and gain important insights into surgeons’ experiences and preferences, as well as emerging trends. 

2024 United States Cataract Atlas Featuring the Market Scope Exclusive MedOp Index™ Analysis, April, 2024

The “2024 United States Cataract Atlas” provides a geographic analysis of the conventional and premium cataract surgery opportunity in 85 US metropolitan areas. Market Scope’s proprietary MedOp Index™ Analysis examines market potential and provides a benchmark against other metros. The atlas offers strategic insights into the top potential markets in the US, which companies often use throughout the development and commercialization processes to identify ideal clinical trial locations, develop launch strategies, define sales territories, allocate resources, and optimize sales and marketing initiatives.

2024 United States Refractive Atlas Featuring the Market Scope Exclusive MedOp Index™ Analysis, March, 2024

The “2024 United States Refractive Atlas” provides a geographic analysis of the US refractive market in 85 metropolitan areas. Market Scope’s MedOp Index™ Analysis is used to identify the potential for refractive surgery and considers many factors for each geography, including:  population age distribution, refractive error, income/buying power, overall health, education level, and location of refractive surgeons and LVC centers. High-opportunity populations and benchmarking comparisons are provided for each metropolitan area. Additionally, the atlas provides a comprehensive directory of all US practices offering refractive surgery. Market Scope also offers customization of atlas data to align with sales territories or specific geographic areas.

2024 Retinal Surgical Device Market Report: Global Analysis for 2023 to 2029, February, 2024

The “2024 Retinal Surgical Device Market Report” provides in-depth analysis of the global retinal device market, examining the market’s size and growth, as well as identifying important developments that may shape its future. The analysis focuses on the 2024 market and forecasts market growth and evolution through 2029. Additionally, 21 retina device companies are profiled, with discussion of their products, strategic market position, background, and outlook.

2023 Dry Eye Disease Model, December, 2023

Market Scope’s "2023 Dry Eye Disease Model" offers extensive country-level prevalence data and five-year forecasts for 13 dry eye-related segments of the population by age group for all countries with a population over a million.

This proprietary model takes into consideration the latest clinical research and demographic projections on a global scale and can be customized by geography and disease category to meet clients’ diverse needs. Disease models can be used to evaluate target markets for clinical-stage and commercial-stage products and gain insights into the volume and demographics of diseased populations.

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